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Cleanroom Solution

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The one stop solution for cleanroom means blocking out and excluding all the pollutants such as  microparticles,harmful air,bacteria,etc,within a certain space,reasonably distribute the overall plant structure in the area to meet the requirements of the production process;and controls the temperature,humidity,cleanliness,space height,room pressure,airflow velocity,airflow distribution,noise,vibration,electric distribution,lighting,static electricity,etc,in the effective space(cleanroom) within a certain area of requirements, and it’s a specially designed room; no matter how the external air condition changes, the cleanliness,temperature and humidity,pressure and other performance characteristics of the cleanroom can all maintain and ensure the original design requirements and environmental protection requirements.

pharmaceutical cleanroom


(1)The Maintenance Structure

The maintenance structure mainly includes the following types:

Clean roof/wall panel

Clean doors and windows

Clean floor

Connectors and accessories

Decorative arc

(2)The HVAC Engineering

The HVAC engineering mainly includes the following parts:

Air duct system: air supply , air return , fresh air, air exhaust ducts, terminals and control devices, etc.

Air conditioning system: including cold (hot) water units (including water pumps, cooling towers, etc.) (or air-cooled pipelines, etc.), pipelines, combined clean air-conditioning boxes (including mixed flow section, initial effect section, heating/cooling section, dehumidification section, pressurization section, medium-efficiency section, static pressure section, etc.)

Air filtration system: junior,medium,high efficiency filters, etc.

(3)Piping Engineering

The piping engineering mainly includes the following parts:

Water supply system

Water drainage system

Water supply and drainage equipment and control system

(4)Electrical System

The electrical system mainly includes the following parts:

Light and electric dispensing system: including clean lamps, sockets, wiring,etc;

Electric power distribution system: including equipment power distribution, electrical cabinets, lines, etc.

Weak current system: including video surveillance, access control system, telephone, etc.;

(5)Self-control System

The self-control system mainly includes the following parts:

BMS system: the air conditioning control system which includes cleanroom temperature control, temperature control, air volume and air pressure control, opening sequence and time control;

EMS system: the environmental control system which includes the control of environmental indicators such as dust particles, planktonic bacteria, etc;

Energy-saving and emission reduction control system: environmental protection and energy-saving control system;

(6)Other Cleaning Equipment

Includes ozone generator, negative pressure weighing room, air shower/cargo shower, pass box, environmental monitoring equipment and other purification auxiliary equipment;

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Cleanroom System

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